Love One Another...
The opportunities at Parker for volunteering are truly boundless! The key requirement for all volunteers at Parker is a deep love for Jesus and for others. Our service is rooted in gratitude for Jesus' salvation and His ongoing blessings in our lives, leading us to share the Good News and serve others. While we anticipate the future, we embrace current chances to spread the message of Jesus to anyone willing to listen, irrespective of their background or age. If you're breathing and alive, we want you to know that Jesus loves you and proved it by sacrificially giving His life for everyone on the cross.
Therefore, there are opportunities for believers to contribute. Our most significant week annually is Vacation Bible School, and we welcome your assistance every summer. Fall Festival (trunk or treat) is another major event, as well as Eggstravaganza. (Easter celebration).
Serve One Another...
We offer opportunities to join various teams within our church community:
Greeting teams
Praise and worship arts ministries
Weekly kitchen assistance (serving and cooking)
Our church features a cutting-edge production studio that streams our weekly services and produces video content for diverse church needs. -
Volunteers contribute their expertise in sound, video, and lighting during worship services.
If you are keen on serving with us, kindly complete the simple form below, and we will reach out to you promptly.